We need to talk about Kevin
We need to talk about Kevin
Eva Khatchadourian tells the story of her son Kevin, through a series of letters to her ex-husband. Two years ago Kevin murdered nine people at his high-school. He was only fifteen at the time and received a lenient sentence and is now in a prison for young offenders. She fears that her own shortcomings may have shaped what her son has become.
Information om boken |
Författare | Shriver, Lionel. |
Inläsare | Ross Liza |
Språk | eng |
Speltid | 17 h 41 min |
Utgivningsuppgifter | Royal National Institute for the Blind. |
Fysisk beskrivning | talking book Daisy 2.02 (17 h 41 min) |
Originalverk | Serpent's Tail 2003. |
Ämnesord | koulusurmat psykologiset romaanit äidinrakkaus psykologiska romaner moderskärlek skolmassakrer skuld ondska psykopater syyllisyys pahuus psykopaatit |